Sunday, July 29, 2012

I Love to Date at the Temple...

Date #6- Do a session at your local temple

I officially declare this blog resurrected from the dead! After months of my husband being in California and me being in Texas, we were finally reunited last month. Which means we have quite a few catching up dates to take care of. The year is half way over and we still have about 46 dates to go on if we are going to meet my 2012 resolution. It's going to be hard and we might not make it, but we sure as heck are going to give it our best!

So we are now living in California. Many of my dates were based on things to do in Dallas/Fort Worth, such as "Visit the Grassy Knoll and Book Depository". So I'm having to improvise a lot of the dates. Good thing I'm spontaneous. :-) 

However, one date idea can be done almost anywhere you go. And that idea is to visit the temple. WAIT! Before you dismiss this idea and call me boring, hear me out. Going to the temple and doing a session are some of the most bonding experiences that Dave and I have ever had. It gives us a chance to look at our lives, to put things back in perspective, and we never fail to receive revelation when we need it. Wouldn't a date that has a free entrance fee, promises eternal happiness, and deeply connects you to your spouse be totally worth doing? Try it and find out. 

It was our first time visiting the Los Angeles temple and it was absolutely beautiful. I know we're not supposed to judge from the outside, but if I'm being honest, I prefer a pretty temple. But our experience inside was more beautiful than all the landscaping and architecture on the outside. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Trivial pursuit- EYERLY style!

Date #5- Make a game that relates to your family and then play it!

Here's how cool my husband is: He came home from California to spend Valentine's weekend with me! And he created a completely free date for us to do while he was here! He created his own Trivial Pursuit game, but with a twist...all of the questions were about our family. Like I said, he's pretty cool.

All you need to do for this is have the Trivial Pursuit game board. And you just play it like normal, except answering questions about your family. Dave went over the top with this game. The 6 categories were "Sports and Activities" "Family History" "Places" "Education" "Personalities" and "Wild Card". Dave was so creative with the questions. For family history, he called my mom and his grandma to get all the information. I was impressed with how detailed it was. The "places" category had a bunch of questions about special locations, like where we were married. For sports and activities, there were a lot of questions about favorite sports teams and sports we played in high school. You get the point- it was all about us! Cage even had some questions about him.

Dave wanted this game to be constantly growing. He wanted us to be able to add new questions, as we make more memories and add new family members. So he put all the questions in a powerpoint that we can add to as the years go by. Think about how much fun our kids will have playing this game in a few years!

We Scream for Ice Cream (and pizza)

Date #4- Make homemade pizzas and ice cream sundaes

Wanna know what's even more fun that going on a totally awesome and free date with a super hot guy? Adding friends to the date! This date story features Robin and Chris Edwards, Dane and Deena Eyerly.

For our group date, we decided to make pizzas and ice cream sundaes. But, here's the kicker... we had to do it blindfolded! One person from each couple was blindfolded and had to stand behind their partner. The "seeing" partner then had to direct his/her blind date on how to make the pizza. The seeing partner could not use their hands at all.
Now, this was date was actually not from the date jar. Credit goes to Robin Edwards for the idea.

We had a total
blast! I was blindfolded for the pizza making and
Dave was blindfolded for the sundaes. There was a lot of laughing and picture taking. There was also a lot of yelling, "To the left! To the left! No, now you got pizza sauce on me!" I'm glad we did this with friends; it's more fun when you have other people seeing how ridiculous you look.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Je suis sexy et je le sais

Date Idea #3: French night! Spend the evening together learning how to speak French.

As much as we'd like to go out every single date night, it's not always practical- especially with a kid. We can't always find (or pay!) for a babysitter. That is why I included several at-home date nights in our dating jar. This is one of them.

Dave and I have always been interested in French culture. When we met, he told me that he wanted to move there one day and I am all about that! We're thinking of settling down in the Palace of Versailles. We've also tried to learn French before, but eventually slacked off and forgot about it. So when we pulled this idea out of the date jar, Dave was really excited to do it.

The way I suggest to do this is to go to your local library and rent a "listen and learn" language kit. They are so easy to use and it helps to hear and repeat the words that you are trying to learn. So Dave and I went to our local library and it sucks. Not one single listen and learn kit there. Good thing we have iPhones! We found an app that taught us French phrases and vocabulary. Then it would give us quizzes on the words that we had learned. It was fun to try and speak those foreign sounds and then help eachother on the quizzes. And it always helps when you spend your entire date cuddling under a Snuggie. But the most fun we had was probably with Google Translator (which is just found on the internet, not our phones). We would type in English phrases and it would translate them into French for us. We thoroughly enjoyed the French translation of the song, "I'm sexy and I know it".

In hind sight, it would have really added to the French night if I had made a French dinner. Oh well. Feel free to improve and/or add your own twist to my date ideas. Gear it more towards what you and your spouse would enjoy. That's what makes it fun!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Park Hopping

Date Idea #2: "Go visit Fountain Place in downtown Dallas"

Have you ever explored downtown in your city? I used to think it was just a bunch of of
fice buildings and relatively boring. However, I was amazed to find out about all the sites there are to see in downtown areas. Dave and I are very fortunate to live smack dab in the middle of two big ones- Dallas and Fort Worth. This particular date idea pointed us to Dallas.

I got this idea when I typed into Google, "Free things to do in Dallas, TX". 123432 results popped up. I ended up sifting
through them for a couple hours and found quite a few good ones. I suggest doing the same for your hometown, but just be warned-
look carefully at the ideas you find online, a lot of them are not actually free. And you don't want to spend time planning a free date only to get there and
find out it has a $15 entrance fee. Now, back to our downtown date:

Fountain Place is actually an office building that happens to have a beautiful scene surrounding it. There
are fountains of water with trees planted right in the middle. There are tables where you can sit, have lunch,
and just relax amongst the waterfalls. Dave and I had brought food for a picnic (saves you from spending money eating out), but it was far too cold to eat outside. So we had our picnic in our car. You may call us lame, but we were significantly warmer and happier in there.

The one downer to Fountain
Place is that it only takes a few minutes to explore. However, we spotted a downtown directory and located a couple of other parks we wanted to
visit. We call this park hopping. One of the parks had gigantic Christmas ornaments that we had fun posing with.

But our best find was definitely the last park we went to. It reminded me of Central Park in NYC. Beautiful landscape, with lots of trees, hills, and stone architecture. There was
one hill where you climb stone steps to the top. When you reach the top, there are chairs, tables, and even a well made of stone. Dave and I had a lot of fun pretending to be king and queen of that realm. It was an amazing find, we never would have guessed anything like that existed in downtown Dallas. So check out your downtown area- you might be surprised at what you find too!

UPDATE ON MY NEW YEARS RESOLUTION: An unanticipated event occurred. My husband is leaving on business for the next 3 months. 3 months=12 dates. He leaves in 2 weeks. So in order to make up for the time that he's gone, our goal is to go on as many dates as we can before he leaves. This is really easy for us to do right now, since I'm not in school and super busy yet. So, can we fit 12 dates into two weeks? We'll find out soon!!

Friday, January 6, 2012


Our first date of 2012!

Here was what we pulled out of the "Date Idea" Jar:

"Go to a local cafe and play Scrabble. Choose a character that you want to act out and be in character while you play."

So we hit up Starbucks. The deal was that as soon as we walked through those doors, we were new people. I chose to be Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation. That's easy enough: just be super happy and perky and make things awkward sometimes. Talk about parks and voting a lot. At first, Dave pretended to be deaf, but then admitted later "Ok, so I'm not deaf, I just don't like people." Hello Ron Swanson.

As it turns out, we are both TERRIBLE at

Scrabble. I think during the entire game, we only had 2 words that were longer than four letters. At one point, Dave's letters made up the words "TO OBAMA", but I wouldn't let him use that because it was a name. I also have to admit that towards the end of the game we got a little tired of being in character, so we quit the Leslie and Ron act. We instead decided to act as a cute married couple playing Scrabble on their date.

It may sound simple, but this was actually a great date! It's true, this is something we could have just done at home on any old night. But sometimes with dating, all you really want is to get out of the freaking house. Going to Starbucks, away from dishes and kids and bills, added an element to playing normal games that made it a terrific date. And no, we did not purchase anything at Starbucks, so it was 100% free!