Sunday, February 19, 2012

Trivial pursuit- EYERLY style!

Date #5- Make a game that relates to your family and then play it!

Here's how cool my husband is: He came home from California to spend Valentine's weekend with me! And he created a completely free date for us to do while he was here! He created his own Trivial Pursuit game, but with a twist...all of the questions were about our family. Like I said, he's pretty cool.

All you need to do for this is have the Trivial Pursuit game board. And you just play it like normal, except answering questions about your family. Dave went over the top with this game. The 6 categories were "Sports and Activities" "Family History" "Places" "Education" "Personalities" and "Wild Card". Dave was so creative with the questions. For family history, he called my mom and his grandma to get all the information. I was impressed with how detailed it was. The "places" category had a bunch of questions about special locations, like where we were married. For sports and activities, there were a lot of questions about favorite sports teams and sports we played in high school. You get the point- it was all about us! Cage even had some questions about him.

Dave wanted this game to be constantly growing. He wanted us to be able to add new questions, as we make more memories and add new family members. So he put all the questions in a powerpoint that we can add to as the years go by. Think about how much fun our kids will have playing this game in a few years!

We Scream for Ice Cream (and pizza)

Date #4- Make homemade pizzas and ice cream sundaes

Wanna know what's even more fun that going on a totally awesome and free date with a super hot guy? Adding friends to the date! This date story features Robin and Chris Edwards, Dane and Deena Eyerly.

For our group date, we decided to make pizzas and ice cream sundaes. But, here's the kicker... we had to do it blindfolded! One person from each couple was blindfolded and had to stand behind their partner. The "seeing" partner then had to direct his/her blind date on how to make the pizza. The seeing partner could not use their hands at all.
Now, this was date was actually not from the date jar. Credit goes to Robin Edwards for the idea.

We had a total
blast! I was blindfolded for the pizza making and
Dave was blindfolded for the sundaes. There was a lot of laughing and picture taking. There was also a lot of yelling, "To the left! To the left! No, now you got pizza sauce on me!" I'm glad we did this with friends; it's more fun when you have other people seeing how ridiculous you look.